Curative Nature Limited Liability Corporation
Rejuvenating Professional Health Products & Services for Personal Well-Being

Affect Management Session

A coaching session generally is more flexible in time (30 minutes - 1 hour) with more time and energy at the start of a session to get a good working foundation of the current state of being.  Then Curative Nature’s coaching sessions are conducted in shorter timeframes more for progress reporting, working out possible roadblocks, changes in you situation and where needed additional focus of attention. 

Life Empowering Coach – focused enhancing personal/professional development from a multidirectional approach for a comprehensive transformation of your being.

Couples, Family and Marital Counseling/Therapy – increases positive communication, relationship balance, and other associated psychological needs which maximizes optimal functioning and achieves life requirements.

Massage Session

A massage session generally last 10-15 minutes for a seated chair massage and 30 minutes - 2 hours for bodywork on a massage table.  The massage table is padded for comfort and is covered with fresh linen before your massage begins.  Each client will be required to complete a confidential health screen regarding past or current health condition.  It is pertinent that accurate information is obtained to provide input on lifestyle, etc. to access the benefits that a massage can bring.

We also offer a variety of modalities including services that require no clothing removed, such as Reiki, Thai Traditional and chair massage with therapists who can roam your event and massage your guests’ right where they socialize!  While your event last an aromatic fragrance of essential oil is emitted throughout that stimulates natural therapeutic healing.

Curative Stone Healing - This stone treatment comes from the earth and is done with cold (reduces inflammation) and/or hot (opens energy meridians) stones.  Penetrating deep into the muscle fibers to promote intense relaxation, improves circulation and calms the nervous system. 

Deep Tissue/Neuromuscular Massage - focuses on specific muscles to release chronic patterns of tension.  Slower strokes and deeper pressure is applied (versus Swedish massage) and combines stretching and resistance to reduce trigger point pain.

Myofascial Release - releases fascia around tight muscles, keeps muscles elastic and provide for ease of muscle movement throughout your body.

Natures Hands/Feet Affects - open up and loosen the tension in your feet and/or hands with reflexology so you can get a grasp of things or just to walk into tenderness.

Revitalizing Chair Massage - client remains fully clothed; various massage modalities with/without lotion is provided while client relaxes in a massage chair.

Thai Traditional Yoga Massage (Chirothesia) - is an act of passing divine or healing energy, awareness, consciousness, breath and pressure to another therapeutically transmitted by the hands.  Practitioner applies points pressure massage, trigger and stretching to feet, legs, limbs, stomach, hands, arms, shoulders, and face for preventing and stopping pain.

Usui Reiki Treatment - a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flowing through us causing us to be alive.  Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects including feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

Transcendent Massage - combines various massage modalities to increase the effectiveness and depth of muscular relief, fluid circulation and mental.

Wellness parties are for a minimum of 6 people and are geared to your available time frame (at minimum 1.5 hours of services ordered).  You and your guests can pick and choose from a number of services listed on our menu of service.  Honor special occasions, provide an exciting beneficial gift that no one would turndown or just reward employees by getting a group together.  Here is a brief list of instances that you can spice things up with Curative Nature LLC’s traveling spa services:

Wedding Party Activities           Company Milestone               Office Parties

Sales Achievement                        Company Picnics                   Holiday Parties

Going Away Parties                     Secretary's Week                     Employee Birthdays/Incentives

University Functions                    Major Project Completion    Staff Appreciation/Recognition

Other modalities (i.e., Reiki) may not be listed on the site, however, we are active in educating associates to meet the needs of those we anticipate serving.

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