Curative Nature Limited Liability Corporation
Rejuvenating Professional Health Products & Services for Personal Well-Being
Life Empowering Coach/Curative Affects

 Curative Affects

Curative Nature LLC is about relationship building and as we all know it is a process that engenders trust, effective communication, moral character and various other important character traits.  Hence, there is no judgment in anyway when it comes to achieving your optimal well-being through counseling.  Areas of concern/issues are child, adolescent, adult, coping, health, homosexual/lesbian, effective parenting, personal/professional management, sexuality, etc.

Counseling sessions in effect are designed to improve relational connectivity amongst individuals, family members and couples.  Additionally, counseling therapy also seeks to minimize distorted messages and increase successful communication between human beings.

Life Empowering Coaching

In areas of your life where you need assistance in achieving optimal functioning, balance and clarity Curative Nature, LLC offers you coaching sessions to do just that.  With various demands and outside forces that seem beyond your control you can loose sight of what really matters in your being.  Our focus includes personal and professional development (business, financial, humanity, and operations management) creating the ability to form and maintain better relationships, balance different areas of your life, building on fundamental strengths to maximize measurable results and a host of other real life achievements.

A multidirectional approach is necessary for a comprehensive transformation of your being.  As your coach, you will be provided with invaluable knowledge, insight, and processes that consistently develop decision making skills, maintains direct focus that benefits you, reduces the negative stressors of a situation, and much more.

Sessions are geared to the specific goals and outcomes you what to achieve and usually require minimal meeting time with periodic follow-up.  The greatest benefit of all is that the decision is entirely in your possession.

 Ten Attributes of Successful Coaches

  1. Have a strong sense of self, value themselves intrinsically, are confident and show up authentically.
  2. Willing to evolve and develop themselves.
  3. Listen at the deepest levels, know how to filter out their own emotions, judgments and conclusions.
  4. Genuinely curious about people, have a healthy sense of humor and humility.
  5. Live from high personal integrity, walk their talk, tell the truth, know how to get their own needs met.
  6. Open to, not attached to outcome, can make themselves blank for the client's agenda and solutions to emerge.
  7. Financially stable, think and act like an entrepreneur and business owner.
  8. Balanced in life, have a strong support system.
  9. Have good boundaries, knows that the client knows what is best for them.
  10. Intuitive, courageous, creative, willing to take the chance of being wrong.

Here's how you'll benefit:

  • Clear your clutter and organize your life
  • Become a problem-free zone
  • Create financial security
  • Get on the path to financial independence
  • Find the work/career you love
  • Attract the man/woman of your dreams
  •  Have more fun!
  •  Get your emotional needs met
  • Identify your core values and passions
  • Practice amazing self-care
  • Eliminate all the petty annoyances
  • Make big requests that people respond to
  • Communicate with power, grace and style
  • Become naturally motivated
  • Eliminate unhealthy habits
  • Stop doing what you think you should do and start doing what you really want
  • Find balance
  • Become more playful and fun
  • Do what you love
  •  Learn to attract what you want instead of striving and struggling
  • Find your personal path
  • Design the ideal life
  • And much, much more!
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